A man adrift at sea. A woman adrift in space. And a young girl all by herself in the desert. If there’s a theme at this weekend’s Telluride Film Festival, it’s that solo travel may have its benefits but also carries more than a few risks.
Colorado’s Labor Day weekend festival – which is starting Thursday, a day earlier than normal, to commemorate its 40th edition – is known for eclectic programming announced at the very last minute, and it’s often difficult to detect trends.
But the inclusion of three films – Alfonso Cuaron’s “Gravity,” which stars Sandra Bullock opposite George Clooney as astronauts detached from their space shuttle by a mission disaster, “All Is Lost,” director J.C. Chandor’s account of an unaccompanied sailor (Robert Redford) stuck in a sinking boat, and “Tracks” featuring Mia Wasikowska as a young explorer on a 1,700-mile trek – suggests this year’s festival will make some moviegoers appreciate the roofs over their heads just a bit more.
In recent years, more by accident than design, Telluride has hosted the world premieres of several films that went on to take the best picture Oscar, including “Argo,” “The King’s Speech” and “Slumdog Millionaire.” “It’s incredibly fortunate that we’re just really lucky that way,” said Julie Huntsinger, who directs the festival with Gary Meyer and Tom Luddy.