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South Fir Street Lots to be Developed

By June 4, 2013 No Comments

imagesA key piece of property in downtown Telluride between the commercial core and the gondola may soon be developed. But what that development will look like remains to be seen.
Longtime locals Pamela Zoline and John Lifton (Lifton Zoline International) have partnered with the Los Angeles and Boulder-based real estate developers Meriwether Companies to purchase the South Fir Street properties from the estate of Joseph T. Zoline. The area, known as the “Four Corners,” is at the intersection of South Fir Street and Pacific Avenue. It includes the west side of South Fir Street between Pacific and San Juan Avenue, as well as Fir north of Pacific where Village Market and Baked in Telluride stand. It also includes the lot on the southeast corner, next to the library.

Developers say they don’t yet know what plans for the area will include, but they will be working closely with the Town of Telluride to see it to fruition. According to the town’s masterplan, it has been identified as a site for public parking, arts, cultural and educational uses. But developers are not revealing details.
“What we know is that it will be planned as a very diverse mixed use and we know that we intend to make it a really lively part of downtown Telluride,” Pamela Zoline said. Noah Hahn, a managing partner with Meriwether Companies, said he plans on meeting with town officials soon. Hahn said Meriwether has experience building in mountain resorts and understands what Telluride is about. “Authentic is the word we keep coming back to,” Hahn said. “We are not trying to redefine Telluride in any way. We are going to build a project that is consistent with what Telluride is about.”
Mayor Stu Fraser said the project will create an anchor in the downtown core where there is currently unused, but extremely valuable space. The town has formed a task force for the development of the area since the town owns the northeast parcel of the intersection. “It’s a major part of the puzzle of downtown Telluride,” Fraser said. “It will have tremendous importance to the future of Telluride. My feeling is it will be done extremely well. Whatever it is, it will benefit the community in a variety of ways.”

Click here to read the entire article.

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